In the Gospel of matthew, Jesus said,"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." We consider it as our duty to spread the seeds of the Gospel in these young hearts. We organise Vacation Bible school for kids in different villages, towns and schools.

Children are our future generation. Until our children understand that they were made by God and for his pleasure, life will not make sense. Isaiah 44 tells us, “I (God) am your creator. You were in my care even before you were born” (Isaiah 44:2 CEV). Children need to know that God thought them up. They were not an accident. They may not have been planned, but they were not an accident because God knew them and loved them from conception.

Bible Time Lessons


Bible Educational Services publish Bibletime, NewLife and Gleaners Bible lessons in English and support Postal Bible Schools and similar organizations using BES lessons in the UK and overseas, by visiting, networking, advising and training. BES is currently working in partnership with groups in other countries who are involved in translation, development, publishing and distribution of the lessons. The BES lessons are unique in that they are prepared with home or group study in view, following a planned syllabus which allows students to continue studying for many years. Printed copies of the lessons are available in English from BES and can be downloaded from this website free of charge. We are working towards making our resources available through this website in other languages.